
diumenge, de març 20, 2005

Iraq: choque de percepciones 

Efectivamente, como dice el comentario de Hipòlita, la "gran manifestación de Londres" sobre la que estrepitosamente nos informa la prensa oficial fue dominada por los "Hermanos Musulmanes" organización matriz de Jamás y de Al Qaeda. Nos la quieren vender como expresión de un gran clamor "pacifista". Lo podemos ver en el blog Little Green Footballs y Trumpet Sounds. La percepción que tienen estas personas es la que forman en buena cuenta los medios de prensa.

Ultraizquierdistas en lo suyo: más coches bomba para Iraq, defensa de las dictaduras en Siria e Irán y "contra EEUU e Israel".

Banderas de Jamás.

Ya no nos hablan de "paz", sólo de apoyo a la "resistencia iraquí"

El blogista iraquí Husayn tiene otra percepción y algo que decirles a estos individuos:
Now I answer you, I answer you on behalf of myself, and my countrymen. I dont care what your news tells you, what your television and newspapers say, this is how we feel. Despite all that has happened. Despite all the hurt, the pain, blood, sweat and tears. These two years have given us hope we never had.

Before March 20, 2003, we were in a dungeon. We did not see the light. Saddam Hussain was crushing Iraq's spirit slowly, we longed for his end, but knew we could not challenge him, or his diabolical seed who would no doubt follow him and continue his generation of hell on Earth.

Since then, we now have hope. Hope is not a tangible thing, but it is something, it is more than being blinded by darkness, by being stuck in a mental pit without any future.

Hope has been the greatest product of the last two years. No doubt, many have died, many have died by accident or due to crimes. But their sacrifices are not, and will not be for nothing. I refuse to let it be, and my countrymen stand with me.

Our cities are smoking, our graveyards full, and terrorists in our midst. But we are not defeated. We are not down, we are not regretful. We are not going to surrender. For all that the two years have brought, the greatest thign they have given us is a future, and a view of the finish line.

Iraqis see the finish line, the finish line of freedom and democracy and a functioning nation. We can smell it, taste it, and like a sprinter, one who has broken his legs, but who has a heart full of passion, we will crawl there no matter what the cost. No matter what we must endure, we have realized what we can become, and that is the biggest result of the last two years.

Noone can take that from us. Not the terrorists, not those who want to question the good of the removal of Saddam, not those who want to reduce our glory for politics, none.

We have been brought from darkness to light. And not only has the future been made better for Iraq, but the martyrs of our nation, their blood is watering the roots of democracy across the world. We are watching our neighbors come closer to the light, and this only pushes us more, and makes us stronger in our burning desire to reach the finish line, to realize the dream that our people have had for so long.

No, we will not give up, and we will not say that the last two years were a waste. They for all their trouble have been momentus. They for us, have been a turning point in history. Whether or not you agree, this is how it looks from Iraq.
